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Anth-polluthon type rnl porcelaim insulators for the contact network of roklway AC traction system

Applicable standard

一、Use, structure, Type

    Anth-polluthan type rod porcela'm insulators is usel in the work frequency individwol25kv for the contact network if raslalay AC action systim to suppore snd insulate conductors,this kind specificutions of series of productr are cowplete,satisfy differene pollution aren to choose,
Theinsulator divkde into tunnel hang Location anth-Poll than type;interval and stathor site canthlever sustain use anth-Pollution type;intewal and station site cantilerer susta'm with jouble insulation anth-pollwthon type 3kinds

Disgncotion:第一序位字母:Anth-Pollution type rod porcelaim inswlator; for the contact network of railwour AC traction system

              第二序位字母:X-Tunnel is hung,position

                            B-Interral and piation site cantilerer sustain

              第三序位字母:N-Ainti pollowtion Tdle

                            Z-Double insulation anth-Pollution type

                            B-semiconductor glaze

The number after"Shows value of rated voltaye

Under insulator,attachment installing hole is two holes (single hole donot show)

D-inswlator is installed pipe diameter greator (pipe diamcter little does not show)

Major structural size

Major structural size