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ShotHe Eusulatons for HV lines

Applicable standard

一、Use, structure, Type

    High Voltoge shackle type Insulators can be used in overhead line distrihuthon termimal,the Insulators are used for supporting and insulating on corner rod use ,at the same time also have been used extensively with suspension type uswlator coordination,have as hardware fittings element.
The shockel type porcelain Insulator have two (old type)or4kinds(New Type)greater umbrella skirt,shape as butterfly



E-Shack Ineulotor for High voltayc pmes The Number after "viated wltaye"

E-After dash,figure is shape size ordinal,it is biggest for size that1


二、Main dimensions and partioulars

Cat No



Nominal voltaye

Main Dimensions mm power Frogneny voteage

MiE fulling lood


H D d1 d2 R Dryfnohale wet fushover not lass punctore
13102 E-10 1 10 175 180 70 26 12 60 32 78 15 3.5
13101 E-6 1 6 145 150 68 26 12 50 26 65 15 1.8
13104 E-1 2 - 180 150 74 26 12 45 27 78 20 4.0
13103 E-2 2 - 150 130 72 26 12 38 23 65 20 2.2